How does this all work?

In this section, we will take the time out to explain how the whole ordering and receiving process works, as well as answer questions frequently asked.

Ordering process

01 Place order

Order is placed​ via email or Telegram with the currency pack and ratio of bills: e.g. $1000 preshred pack with 70% 50s and the rest 20s.

02 Information

Also provide us with the shipping address you want to receive the package at.

03 Processing

Your shipping fee is calculated according to location and choice (snail mail or express) and included in the bill.

04 Payment

A wallet is given to you where you send the amount for your bill. Payment is done with crypto. We accept BTC, ETH, USDTERC20 and are working on accepting more coins.

05 Shipping

Your package is shipped and you will receive it according to your delivery choice. The pacakge is double packed: meaning it's hidden inside another package like a catalog of magazines.

06 Enjoy your money

Get to enjoy your money! But remember to spend it wisely according to the rules we lay out so you don't get caught!